There is something so grounding to be able to be within our Mother ocean, as She is so very healing. I also love how i can float at ease for as long i can… She supports me.
After a recent refreshing swim at one of our local beaches at turtle rock, i sat for a long while on the pitted sandstone with my legs dangling in the water with purple sea stars clinging to the rock on either side of me. It was ever so divine! I find myself journeying when i’m within the healing salt water and this day, it was the light of stars upon the water that journeyed me in to the light of who i truly am…
I was moved to create a haiku about my blessed time…being on the sandstone + swimming in the Salish Sea… x (((o)))
upon pitted stone,
purple sea stars grace each side,
Salish sea breathes bright
—haiku/photos by weaver x (((💙))) ⭐️